digital elevation models with 5 m and 10 m post spacing
digital elevation models
with 5 m and 10 m post spacing

Different processors are in use for the production of IRS-P6 and IRS-1C/1D data products at GAF. Even so the document in the column 'IRS-P6' describes also a format for IRS-1C/1D, only the document under the column 'IRS-1C/1D' is applicable for IRS-1C/1D products processed by GAF.

pdf ps pdf ps pdf ps

Errata for IRS-1C/1D

Page 9: Please use the following to calculate Northing and Easting of any pixel within the image:

    PE = ((NP-P)(NL-L)ULE + (P-1)(NL-L)URE + (NP-P)(L-1)LLE +
         (P-1)(L-1)LRE) / ((NP-1)(NL-1))
    PN = ((NP-P)(NL-L)ULN + (P-1)(NL-L)URN + (NP-P)(L-1)LLN +
         (P-1)(L-1)LRN) / ((NP-1)(NL-1))